lump together

美 [lʌmp təˈɡeðər]英 [lʌmp təˈɡeðə(r)]
  • 把…归并在一起;把…混到一块儿;归结到一起
lump togetherlump together

lump together


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 把…归并在一起;把…混到一块儿
    If a number of different people or things are lumped together, they are considered as a group rather than separately.

    Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector...


  1. At the same time , we should not lump together for the function of religions in the contemporary society .


  2. Existentialism was really an umbrella term to lump together the works of several philosophers and writers .


  3. Lump together all the applicants .


  4. We try to lump together a set of inputs and outputs , so as to treat them as a single commodity .


  5. The court concluded that it was simply not possible to lump together up to1.5 million employees at3,400 stores .


  6. Prof Bordo has complained that profs Reinhart and Rogoff lump together countries " with diverse institutions , financial structures and economic policies " .


  7. Even today , many otherwise educated men-like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four-cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space .


  8. The first is to lump together " productive safeguarding " or " industry development of traditional culture . " The second is the intangible cultural heritage is " living " and " inheritance " of the two important characteristics of the different interpretations and scholars .


  9. When the contractor is valid , null and void , revoked or released , or when the force majeure occurs respectively , each the constitutive elements of the payment claim on the project fund is independent and different , which is not lump together and grasped generally .


  10. Well , people tend to lump them together perhaps because they rhyme .


  11. Don 't lump me together with you guys .


  12. If you have had a lot of different jobs but they have been in the same industry you can certainly lump them together on your r é sum é under one heading .


  13. It is wrong for our party committees from the district level up or for cadres sent to direct work in the rural areas not to rely primarily on the party and League members there but to lump them together with the non-party and non-league people .


  14. I have to lump these two together because they always are together .


  15. Manifests lump like machines together , too , reducing the risk of omissions .


  16. You can 't lump all Asian languages together .


  17. Please lump all these items together under the heading “ incidental expenses ” .


  18. During the cold war it was natural to lump Russia and China together .


  19. During the cold war , it was natural to lump Russia and China together .


  20. Can we lump all these items together as'incidental expenses ' ?


  21. Can you lump all these items together under the heading'incidental expenses ' ?


  22. Can we lump all these items together under the heading " sundry expenses "?


  23. They show that , if you lump manufacturing and services together , productivity has grown on average by 1.2 % since 1987 .


  24. On average , human beings have half an Adam 's apple , but no one thinks to lump men and women together this way .


  25. Spain 's producers , in fact , took no small measure of umbrage at the World Health Organization 's attempt to lump their luxury ham together with cheaper products like processed sausages and hamburger meat .


  26. Probability theories of category formation demonstrate that we tend to lump very different things together in the same category , ( e.g. Football and Chess have very few features in common , but both would be considered a type of game ) .


  27. Although individual contributions have often delineated carefully the differing paths taken by these two populous Asian nations , there has been a general tendency to lump the two countries together in discussions of global economic issues ranging from international trade to climate change .


  28. Those imbalances are not as prominent with Korea , but there has been a tendency , I think , to lump all of Asia together when Congress looks at trade agreements and says it appears as if this is [ a ] one-way street .
